Whisk Handle Mending & Modification Design

For the Festival of Fast Making, I decided to mend and modify a whisk that I found in my kitchen. The previous wooden handle on the whisk had been put into the dishwasher too many times and split. The splitting of the previous handle forced the handle to detach from the whisk itself. My inspiration for the new whisk handle was coffee tamper handles, allowing users to hold the handle from the top and whisk their ingredients more ergonomically than a traditional whisk handle.

Batch Coffee: Best Coffee Tampers

Batch Coffee: Best Coffee Tampers

I started off by taking a few pieces of graph paper, balling them up and taping them to get a feel for about what diameter I wanted the whisk handle to be. I took note of my larger hands and found a happy medium that should be suitable for most users. I then drew two different concepts on graph paper, the first one more of a flat top with a slight convex. After drawing that iteration I decided it would make more sense to just be a ball and drew the second iteration.


Lathe Induction & Whisk Handle update


Bedside Table (WIP)